Sunday, January 16, 2011's not just a funny show on t.v.

So today was the 2nd weigh in, and I lost 8lbs!! 8 pounds in one week? That is crazy. I don't think I have ever lost that much in a month much less in one week. That's biggest loser style. :)

But as my title suggests it was not done without my community. I have the most amazing community helping me reach my goals. First are my best friends Jason and Vanessa Brandiger. They are both crossfit coaches and have been kickin my butt this week. Vanessa did 2 workouts with me AND is eating the paleo way with me. She is supporting me like the amazing best friend she is!!!! Thanks Brandigers!!!! You guys are the best support team EVER!!!!
Next is my husband Randall, he is also a crossfit coach and has been the best support during my workouts. So encouraging and pushing me to do a better job. He also cooked a meal for me. I love this man so much and all that he has done for me in my quest.
I can't forget my crossfit community. The coaches keep pushing me to get the most out of my workout and those in my class, they challenge me to work harder every time we work out. Thanks guys!!!
And my weigh and pray ladies gave so much encouragement this week. It's great to have this group of ladies support, even though we are competing, we stil give encouraging words to one another. This group of ladies are going to be the most successful group ever and not just during the competition, we are changing our lives for the better, forever!!
And last but least are my friends and family who have sent texts and phone calls with encouragement this week. You guys are wonderful.

As you can see, I cannot do this without a support system. I encourage you, if you want to start a weight loss program, get a friend or better yet, a team to help you. You WILL be successful.

Until next week, make good choices and stay healthy!!


  1. Great job! I'd like to talk to you about the diet sometime. If I understand correctly, it's veggies, meat, fruit, and nuts. Can you eat single source grains like brown rice or whole oats?


  2. Paleo is lean meats, veggies, fruit, nuts, and little starch. No sugar and no dairy. Although some still eat dairy. This site explains it better.

  3. Wow, girly, way to go!! So proud of you!!
